


本声明:(1) 仅适用于MetaHomes平台,不适用于任何其他公司或组织的网站或应用程序;(2) 根据阿拉伯联合酋长国的法律具体说明我们的义务。




当您在MetaHomes上注册账户或使用MetaHomes进行预订,预约,出租或出售房源时,您需要向我们提供您的个人信息。当您访问MetaHomes平台时,在您同意的情况下,我们会自动收集信息(例如您浏览器上的 cookie)。我们还会从 Metaworld 的关联公司、业务合作伙伴以及其他第三方服务商那收集信息,这些信息有助于我们改善平台及相关工具服务,准确地更新和维护记录,检测和检查潜在的欺诈行为,以及更有效地进行营销服务。 











  • 姓名、用户名、电子邮箱、电话号码
  • 收付款信息,例如收款/付款卡号、收款/付款工具到期日、账单地址和收款/付款帐号
  • 会员信息
  • 出生日期和性别
  • 地理位置
  • 社交媒体账号 ID 和其他公开信息
  • 与我们的沟通记录(例如出于质量控制和培训目的对通话进行录音)
  • 您在MetaHomes上的搜索、交易以及与其他活动记录
  • 与其他用户在平台进行的交流
  • 由平台引导进行的搜索和交易
  • 您向我们提供的他人信息,例如您的同行者,以他人名义为其预订的他人信息
  • 如果您是客户,我们会从那里收集您预订房源或预约看房时的个人喜好和要求,例如房源地段和房源类型,以及特殊的要求和无障碍需求(若有)
  • 如果您是房东或代理,我们会要求您提供有关您和您的房源信息。
  • 我们从Metaworld 关联公司和第三方(例如我们的业务合作伙伴以及授权服务提供商)收集您的信息,其中可能包括新的联系信息、性别、年龄、兴趣喜好和历史购买记录,我们可能会将这些信息添加到您的帐户或个人资料中并用于市场研究和分析


  • IP地址
  • 设备类型
  • 唯一的设备识别号
  • 所用网络浏览器(例如 Firefox、Safari、Chrome 和 Internet Explorer)
  • 互联网服务提供商
  • 操作系统
  • 手机运营商
  • 您在我们平台上的活动记录,包括访问的页面、点击的链接、查看的订单和使用的功能,以及获取我们服务的时间和日期
  • 进入及离开平台的详细信息,以及地理位置(例如您的国家城市)

我们的 Cookie 声明部分进一步解释了我们如何使用 cookie 和类似的跟踪技术。




如果您通过设置或设备权限启用地理位置信息,我们可能会通过使用 GPS 信号、手机信号塔、Wi-Fi 信号、蓝牙或其他技术来收集您设备的位置。如果您授权本平台或其他应用启用某些位置服务(例如,查找离您最近的可用房源),即使您没有使用MetaHomes,我们也可能会收集此信息。您可以通过变更您设备上的隐私设置来关闭这些权限。



  • 房源预订
  • 与预订,预约和/或账户相关的服务
  • 在我们的平台上创建、保留和更新帐户
  • 保留您的搜索,预约和预订历史、房源和旅行偏好,以及有关您使用 Metaworld 平台和服务的类似信息,以及本隐私声明中另有说明的信息
  • 发起、使用、接收和处理付款、优惠券和其他交易
  • 账户信息管理,如成长值或积分奖励
  • 收集使用评论和其他房源相关的信息
  • 对您的问题、信息请求进行回应和处理
  • 让您与房东,客户和代理进行沟通
  • 联系您(例如通过短信、电子邮件、电话、推送通知或其他通信平台)以提供房屋预订/预约确认和更新等信息或其他正当合法的营销活动(例如推广相关产品和服务)
  • 在房源详情和代理人查找页面推广个人房地产代理
  • 生成你的用户信用
  • 将特定的个人数据用于分析目的及提升产品,改善我们的服务
  • 出于质量控制、培训、纠纷解决,以及本隐私声明中的其他目的描述,监控或记录您与我们客户服务团队或其他代表人的通话、聊天或其他通信方式,以及房东,客户,代理之间的平台通信
  • 在允许的情况下我们可以不受限制地使用和披露收集到的匿名或去识别化的数据
  • 用于风险评估和安全目的、验证用户身份、检测和预防欺诈或未经授权的活动、辩护索赔和其他责任,提高服务的安全性和可靠性
  • 使用特定个人信息来处理和解决法律索赔和纠纷,以服务于监管部门调查和遵守适用法律、执法部门的合法要求,保护平台和平台用户的权利和利益
  • 您创建的笔记内容,包括图片、VR图片、视频、文本内容、位置信息。同时,您与笔记互动时所生成的内容,包括评论、点赞、添加收藏和浏览记录




我们只会从以下情况收集您的个人信息: (1) 出于履行您合同要求的情况下收集您的个人信息(例如,管理您的预订/预约/房源、处理付款或根据您的要求创建帐户),(2) 保护我们的合法利益不被您的权利所凌驾(如下所述),或 (3) 征得您同意的情况下(例如,在您同意的情况下向您发送通讯)。在某些情况下,我们将有法律义务从您那里收集个人信息,例如需要使用您的交易记录来完成法律规定的财务和税收义务的情况。






  • 第三方服务提供商。我们与第三方共享和我们的服务、业务运营相关的个人信息(例如,提供信用卡处理、客户服务、业务分析以及预防欺诈等合规服务,以及为您提供个性化定制的广告服务)。这些第三方服务提供商必须保护我们与他们共享的个人信息,并且不得直接使用任何个人信息,除非是用于提供签订合同上的服务。他们不得将我们共享的个人信息用于他们自己的营销目的(除非您已根据第三方提供的条款单独同意)。
  • 旅游供应商。我们与旅行相关的供应商共享个人信息,例如酒店、度假租赁物业的所有者和经理人,以及履行您预订的活动供应商。请注意,为了方便您的预订或以其他方式提供旅行或相关服务,旅行供应商可能会与您联系以获取更多信息。
  • 业务合作伙伴。如果我们与第三方业务合作伙伴一起推广或提供服务或产品,我们将与该合作伙伴共享您的信息,以协助营销或提供相关产品或服务。
  • 其他第三方。当您访问某些功能(例如允许您使用社交媒体凭据登录我们的在线服务)时,您将与第三方(例如社交媒体公司)共享信息,例如您访问过我们或与我们互动。除非您接受我们使用 cookie 和类似技术,否则我们不会在我们平台上加载社交媒体共享或登录按钮。如需更多信息,请参阅我们的 Cookie 声明。第三方提供商可能会将这些信息与他们拥有的您的其他信息结合起来。共享的个人信息(包括我们可能通过第三方提供商访问的任何个人信息)将受第三方提供商的隐私政策的约束。第三方提供商应告知您如何修改他们平台上的隐私设置。
  • 法律权利和义务。我们可能会披露您的个人信息以执行我们的政策,或者在适用法律允许的范围内,例如应执法部门或政府当局的要求,服务于有关实际或提议的诉讼,或保护和捍卫我们的财产、人员和其他权利或利益。我们还可能根据传票或其他法律要求共享您的个人信息,或者根据法律程序要求缴纳某些税款时,我们可能会共享您的个人信息。
  • 公司交易。我们可能会在与公司交易相关的情况下共享您的个人信息,例如剥离、合并、联合、转让或资产出售,或者在不太可能发生的破产事件中。在任何收购的情况下,我们将通知买方它必须仅将您的个人信息用于本隐私声明中披露的目的。



您可点击 查看 我们接入的SDK详情。



  • 如果您有我们的帐户,您可以通过以下方式更改您的设置: (1) 登录并更新您帐户中的信息或 (2) 通过本声明底部“联系我们”部分提供的选项与我们联系
  • 您可以按照我们的 Cookie 声明来授权我们对某些 cookie 的使用
  • 您可以随时通过登录您的账户或联系我们查询、修改、删除或更新您的准确信息
  • 如果您不再希望收到营销和促销电子邮件,您可以登录您的帐户以更改设置或与我们联系。请注意,如果您选择退订或退出营销电子邮件,我们仍可能会向您发送无法退订的重要交易和帐户相关消息
  • 您可以在应用程序和操作系统的设置菜单中查看和管理通知和偏好设置
  • 如果我们已获得您的同意处理个人信息,您可以随时联系我们撤回该事项。这不会影响您撤回之前所有处理的合法性,也不会影响我们根据法律依据对您的个人信息进行的处理









我们希望您对我们的平台以及所有相关工具服务充满信心,我们致力于采取适当措施保护我们收集的信息。虽然无法保证绝对安全,但我们确实采取了合理的措施来实施,以保护个人信息收集和处理。 我们使用合理的商业系统及程序来保护您提交的个人数据。在访问和使用服务器上的个人数据时,我们同样会应用安全程序以及各种技术和物理限制。只有获得授权的人员才允许在工作过程中使用个人数据。




  • 您使用MetaHomes时长,包括您的 Metaworld账号注册时长,或您在我们平台上进行的预订或其他交易
  • 我们的法律义务,例如法律要求我们保存您与我们的交易记录
  • 当前或相关的法律义务影响,包括合同义务、诉讼保留、诉讼时效和监管调查






Privacy Statement

Last Updated: February 20, 2023

This Privacy Statement(referred to herein as “statement”)explains how we collect, use, and disclose data when you use our platform and associated services, your rights in determining what we do with the information that we collect or hold about you and tells you how to contact us.

This statement: (i) applies only to MetaHomes and not to websites or applications of any other companies or organizations; and (ii) specifically addresses our obligations pursuant to the law of the United Arab Emirates.


Privacy Statement Summary

The ways of personal information we collected

When you create an account on MetaHomes, or reserve, book, rent or sell a property using MetaHomes, you give us your personal information. We also collect such information through automated technology such as cookies placed on your browser, with your consent where applicable. We also receive information from affiliated companies within Metaworld, as well as business partners and other third-parties, which help us improve our platform and associated tools and services, update and maintain accurate records, potentially detect and investigate fraud, and more effectively market our services. 

Sharing your personal information

Your personal information may be shared to help you book your travel, reserve to see, buy a home, rent, sell and manage your property, assist with your reservation, communicate with you (including when we send information on products and services or enable you to communicate with guests/hosts/agents), and comply with the law. The Privacy Statement below details how personal information is shared.

Your rights and choices

You can exercise your data protection rights in various ways. For example, you can opt out of marketing by turn off notification in your account setting or contacting our customer service. Our Privacy Statement has more information about the options and data protection rights and choices available to you.

Contact Us

You can contact us as described in the “Contact Us” section below to ask questions about how we handle your personal information or make requests about your personal information.


Privacy Statement

Categories of Personal Information We Collect

When you use our platform, Apps, or associated tools or services, we may collect the following kinds of personal information from you as needed:

  • Name, username, email address, telephone number
  • Payment and receipt information such as payment/receipt card number, expiration date, billing address, and financial account number
  • Membership information
  • Birth date and gender
  • Geolocation
  • Social media account ID and other publicly available information
  • Communications with us (such as recordings of calls for quality assurance and training purposes)
  • Searches you conduct, transactions, and other interactions with you on MetaHomes
  • Other communications that occur through the platform among users
  • The searches and transactions conducted through the platform
  • Data you give us about other people, such as your travel companions, others for whom you are making a booking.
  • If you are a guest, we will collect your property-related preferences and requests such as locations and property types, and special requirements and accessibility needs, as available
  • If you are a host or agent, we will ask you for information about you and your property.
  • Information we receive about you from other Metaworld companies and third parties such as our business and affiliate partners and authorized service providers which may include updated contact information, demographic information, interests, and purchase history, which we may add to your account or profile and use for market research and analysis

When you install any of our apps or use our platform, we automatically collect the following types of information from your device:

  • IP address
  • Device type
  • Unique device identification numbers
  • Internet browser-type (such as Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Internet Explorer)
  • Internet Service Provider
  • Operating System
  • Mobile carrier
  • How your device has interacted with our online services, including the pages accessed, links clicked, trips viewed, and features used, along with associated dates and times
  • Details of any referring website or exit pages, as well as general geographic location (such as at the country)

Our Cookie Statement section further explains how we use cookies and similar tracking technology.

Mobile Apps

When you download and use any of our mobile apps, we collect certain technical information from your device to enable the app to work properly and as otherwise described in this Privacy Statement. That technical information includes: device identification data, device specific settings and performance data, usage data (such as dates and times the app accesses our servers, the features and links clicked in the app, searches, transactions, and the data and files downloaded to the app) and other technical information.

Permissions for Location-Based Services:

Depending on your device’s settings and permissions, we may collect the location of your device by using GPS signals, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi signals, Bluetooth or other technologies. We will collect this information, if you opt in through the app or platform to enable certain location-based services available (for example, locating available lodging closest to you), even when you are not using the MetaHomes. You can log off or change your mobile device’s settings.

Use of Personal Information

We use your personal information for various purposes described below, which depend on the services you use on MetaHomes. 

  • Property booking
  • Provide services related to the booking, reservation, and/or account
  • Create, maintain, and update user accounts on our platform
  • Maintain your search, booking, and reservation history, accommodation and travel preferences, and similar information about your use of Metaworld’s platform and services, and as otherwise described in this Privacy Statement
  • Enable and facilitate acceptance and processing of payments, coupons, and other transactions
  • Administer account information such as Experience Points or Points
  • Collect and enable comments and property-related reviews
  • Respond to your questions, requests for information, and process information choices
  • Enable communication between you and others like guests, hosts, and agents
  • Contact you (such as by text message, email, phone calls, push notifications, or messages on other communication platforms) to provide information like booking/reservation confirmations and updates, for marketing purposes, or for other purposes as described in this Privacy Statement
  • Promote individual real estate agents via the portal on the property detail and agent finder pages
  • Generate your user credit on your behalf
  • Analyze, improve the effectiveness of our products and services through specific personal data
  • Monitor or record calls, chats, and other communications with our customer service team and other representatives, as well as platform communications between or among hosts, guests, and agents for quality control, training, dispute resolution, and as described in this Privacy Statement
  • Create aggregated or otherwise anonymized or deidentified data, which we may use and disclose without restriction where permissible
  • Promote security, verify identity of our customers, prevent and investigate fraud and unauthorized activities, defend against claims and other liabilities, and manage other risks
  • Comply with applicable laws, protect our and our users’ rights and interest, and respond to law enforcement, other legal authorities, and requests that are part of a legal process
  • Stories you create with the content including pictures, VR pictures, videos, text, locations. Meanwhile, the interactions with the stories, like comments, likes, adding to your favorite list and views


Lawful bases for processing:

We will collect personal information from you only (i) where the personal information is necessary to perform a contract with you (e.g., manage your booking/reservation/property, process payments, or create an account at your request), (ii) where the processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your rights (as explained below), or (iii) where we have your consent to do so (e.g., sending you communications where consent is required). In some cases, we will have a legal obligation to collect personal information from you such as where it is necessary to use your transaction history to complete our financial and tax obligations under the law.

If we ask you to provide personal information to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, we will make this clear at the relevant time and advise you whether the provision of your personal information is mandatory or not (as well as of the possible consequences if you do not provide your personal information). 

Certain countries and regions allow us to process personal information on the basis of legitimate interests. If we collect and use your personal information in reliance on our legitimate interests (or the legitimate interests of any third-party), this interest will typically be to operate or improve our platform and communicate with you as necessary to provide our services to you, for security verification purposes when you contact us, to respond to your queries, undertaking marketing, or for the purposes of potentially detecting or preventing illegal

We may in some cases use automated decision-making, for example, in relation to assessing fraudulent transactions or suspicious activity on MetaHomes. If the relevant automated process detects that you pose a fraud risk, this may affect your ability to book/reserve on MetaHomes. You may have rights in relation to automated decision making, including the ability to request a manual decision-making process instead or contest a decision based solely on automated processing. If you want to know more about your data protection rights, please see the Your Rights and Choices section below.

Sharing of Personal Information

We share your personal information as described below and in this Privacy Statement, and as permitted by applicable law.

  • Third-party service providers. We share personal information with third-parties in connection with the delivery of services to you and the operation of our business (for example, to provide credit card processing, customer service, business analytics, and fraud prevention and compliance services, and to serve you with advertising tailored to your interests). These third-party service providers are required to protect personal information we share with them and may not use any directly identifying personal information other than to provide services we contracted them for. They are not allowed to use the personal information we share for purposes of their own direct marketing (unless you have separately consented with the third-party under the terms provided by the third-party).
  • Travel suppliers. We share personal information with travel-related suppliers such as hotels, vacation-rental property owners and managers, and where available, activity providers. Please note that travel suppliers may contact you to obtain additional information if and as required to facilitate your booking or to otherwise provide the travel or associated services.
  • Business partners and offers.  If we promote a program or offer a service or product in conjunction with a third-party business partner, we will share your information with that partner to assist in marketing or to provide the associated product or service. 
  • Other Third-Parties.When you access certain features like a single sign-on that allows you to login with your social media credentials to our online services, you will share information with the third-party, such as the fact that you have visited or interacted with us. We will not load social media sharing or sign-on buttons on our platform unless and until you accept our use of cookies and similar technologies. For more information, see our Cookie Statement. The third-party provider may combine this information with other information they have about you. The personal information shared will be governed by the third-party provider’s privacy policy (including any personal information we may access via the third-party provider). The third-party providers should inform you about how you can modify your privacy settings on their platform.
  • Legal rights and obligations. We may disclose your personal information to enforce our policies, or where we are permitted to do so by applicable law, such as in response to a request by a law enforcement or governmental authority, in connection with actual or proposed litigation, or to protect and defend our property, people and other rights or interests. We may also share your personal information pursuant to a subpoena or other legal request, or as necessary to remit certain taxes in the course of processing payments as required by law or legal process.
  • Corporate transactions. We may share your personal information in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, assignments or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy. In the case of any acquisition, we will inform the buyer it must use your personal information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Statement.

The Partners Involved in the Data Usage

In order to ensure the stable operation and function realization of our platform, and provide you with more services and functions, SDKS of authorized partners or other similar applications will be embedded in our applications. We will carry out strict security tests on the Application Program Interface (API) and Software Development Kit (SDK) used by authorized partners to obtain relevant information, and agree with authorized partners on strict data protection measures, and make them handle personal information in accordance with this Policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Unless authorized partners individually obtain your consent.

You can view the third-party SDK we link to here .

Your Rights and Choices

You have certain rights and choices with respect to your personal information, as described below:

  • If you have an account with us, you may change your communication preferences by either (1) logging in and updating the information in your account or (2) contacting us via the options provided in the Contact Us section at the bottom of this Statement
  • You can control our use of certain cookies by following the guidance in our Cookie Statement
  • You can access, amend, inquire or update the accuracy of your information at any time by either logging into your account or contacting us
  • If you no longer wish to receive marketing and promotional emails, you may log into your account to change settings or contacting us. Please note that if you choose to unsubscribe from or opt out of marketing emails, we may still send you important transactional and account-related messages from which you will not be able to unsubscribe
  • You can view and manage notifications in the settings menus of the app and of your operating system
  • If we are processing your personal information on the basis of consent, you may withdraw that consent at any time by contacting us. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of any processing that occurred before you withdrew consent and it will not affect our processing of your personal information that is conducted in reliance on a legal basis other than consent

Certain countries and regions provide their residents with additional rights relating to personal information. These additional rights vary by country and region and may include the ability to: request a copy of your personal information, request information about the purpose of the processing activities, delete your personal information, object to our use or disclosure of your personal information, restrict the processing of your personal information, opt-out of the sale of your personal information, port your personal information.

For questions about privacy, your rights and choices, and in order to make a request to amend or update your information, or to inquire about deletion, please contact us via the options provided in the Contact Us section at the bottom of this Statement.

In addition to the above rights, you may have the right to complain to a data protection authority about our collection and use of your personal information. However, we encourage you to contact us first so we can do our best to resolve your concern. You may submit your request to us using the information in the Contact Us section, below. We respond to all requests we receive from individuals wanting to exercise their personal data protection rights.

International Data Transfer

The personal information we process may be transmitted or transferred to countries other than the country in which you reside. Those countries may have data protection laws that are different from the laws of your country.

Metaworld and third-party service providers operate in many countries around the world. When we collect your personal information, we may process it in any of those countries.

We have taken appropriate steps and put safeguards in place to help ensure that your personal information remains protected in accordance with this Privacy Statement. For example, we require that third-party service providers to whom a data transfer is made has appropriate safeguards in place to protect your personal information, in compliance with applicable data protection law. The particular measures used will depend on the service provider.


We want you to feel confident about using our platform and all associated tools and services, and we are committed to taking appropriate steps to protect the information we collect, although it cannot guarantee absolute security. We use appropriate commercial systems and procedures to protect the personal data you submit. We also apply security programs and various technical and physical restrictions when accessing and using personal data on our servers. Only authorized personnel are allowed to use personal data in the course of their work.

Record Retention

We will retain your personal information in accordance with all applicable laws, for as long as it may be relevant to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Privacy Statement, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by law. We will deidentify or otherwise anonymize your personal information if we intend to use it for analytical purposes or trend analysis over longer periods of time.

The criteria we use to determine our retention periods include:

  • The duration of our relationship with you, including any open accounts you may have with Metaworld, or bookings or other transactions you have made on our platform
    · Our legal obligation, such as laws requiring us to keep records of your transactions with us
  • Whether there are any current and relevant legal obligations, including contractual obligations, litigation holds, statutes of limitations, and regulatory investigations

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our use of your personal information, or wish to inquire about our personal handling practices, please email us to: support@metahomes.net

Updates to Statement

We may update this Statement from time to time. If it is a great and important update, we will contact you about it. You can see when this Privacy Statement was last updated by checking the “Last Updated” date displayed at the top of this Statement.